Sigma Financial Planning Agency for Pension Insurance (2011) Ltd. of the Sigma Investment House Group is engaged in pension marketing rather than pension consultation.
The company is affiliated with the following pension products, as defined in the Supervision of Financial Services (Pension Consultation and Pension Marketing) Law, 5765-2005:

Pension FundsInsurance CompaniesProvident and Study Funds
Clal Meitavit AtudotMenora Insurance Company Ltd.Clal Provident Fund
Migdal MakefetClal Insurance Company Ltd.Harel Provident Fund
Harel GiladHarel Insurance Company Ltd.Menora Provident Fund
Menora MivtachimMigdal Insurance Company Ltd.Migdal Provident Fund
The Phoenix PensionPhoenix Insurance Company Ltd.Meitav Dash Provident Fund
Meitav Dash Provident and Pension Ltd.Psagot Insurance Company P.I. Ltd.Psagot Provident Fund
Psagot Pension FundAltshuler Shaham Insurance Company Ltd.Altshuler Shaham Provident Fund
IBI Provident Fund
Excellence Provident Fund
The Phoenix Provident Fund